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Society for Human Resource Management

Chapter Meetings

MTSU SHRM holds monthly chapter meetings where upcoming programs, conferences, volunteer, and possible internship opportunities are discussed. Meetings also feature a guest speaker who provides expert insight on a pertinent HR topic. Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to attend. 

Fall 2023 Chapter Meetings

September 11th 6:15pm-7:00pm in ACB 110

Topic 1: How to Be Involved in MTSU SHRM, MT SHRM, National SHRM

Presenter 1: Mary Jo Swearingen

Topic 2: Transitioning into the Workforce after Grad School

Presenter 2: Autumn Bourque

October 9th 6:15pm-7:00pm in ACB 110

Topic: All Things I-O Consulting

Presenter: Beth Adams

November 6th 6:15pm-7:00pm in ACB 110

Topic: Workplace DEI

Presenter: Amber Williams


Spring 2024 Chapter Meetings

January 22nd 6:15pm-7:00pm in ACB 110

Topic: =IF(“You”=”Good at Excel”,”Coworkers Impressed”,”It’s OK, Keep Practicing!”) [Excel Workshop]

Presenter: Caleb McLaughlin

February 26th 6:15 pm-7:00 pm in ACB 110

Topic: Resumes & Interviews

Presenter: Jaclyn Pritchett

March 18th 6:15pm-7:00pm in ACB 110

Topic: Hogan Assessments

Presenter: Jessie McClure

April 1st 6:15pm-7:00pm in ACB 110

Topic: Negotiating Your Job Offer… It’s a Must!

Presenter: Dayle Savage

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MTSU Society for Human Resource Management
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